Monday, September 13, 2010


quoted from PORTALS TO FREEDOM by Howard Coolby Ives, p. 1234

Once on a time a traveller was lost in a dense wilderness.
It seemed that for endless ages he had wandered forlorn.
No path there; no sun by which to get his bearings.
The briers tore his flesh, the pitiless wind and rain poured down
    their wrath.  He had no home.

Then suddenly, when hope was gone, he came out upon a mountain
    side overlooking a lovely valley, in which was set a heavenly
    palace, the very Home of his dreams.
With joy unspeakable he rushed to enter.
But hardly had his foot stepped within its precincts when a heavy
    hand grasped him by the neck and - back he was again in that
    dread wilderness.

But now he was not without hope.  He had seen his  home.
And with a courage unknown before he set upon his search.
He was more careful now.  He watched for signs of the Path.
And strove to pierce the overhanging gloom for gleams of light.

And, after weary search, again he saw his home.  He was more carefull now....

But alas, again the heavy hand tore  him from the loved home and
     back again he was in that vast wilderness.
But now his heart was not at all cast down.
He had his bearings now....

And soon, much sooner than before, he found his home again, and
This time he felt no fear of grasping hand.
And when it came and grasped, and he was back in that foul wilderness
    of worldly things,
He hastened with sure feet upon his search.

The Sun shone brightly now.  The songs of birds entranced his ear.
And now he beat a Path.  He tore away the impeding underbrush.
For well he knew that he would often have to tread his way back
     and forth, while in this world.
But he had found his home, and when the roar of men confused,
And darkness came, he hastened back from self to God.

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