Wednesday, November 10, 2010


written by dear friend, Johnny Henderson, June 8, 1982

It has been said that my history began in Africa,
Where I lived as a savage,
Wild, fierce, uncultivated,
Who am I?

Some said that I came to America by ships, in chains,
Because the people of America needed slaves.
I was chosen to be one, to work in their fields and to perform the operations of a slave,
Who am I?

Years later, God spoke to someone's heart and inspired them to do away with slavery,
They wanted to prove that everyone was equal,
Have they proven it?
Tell me! Who am I?

This involved my forefathers yet I still feel the effects of it in my life, I remember times when I couldn't sit beside you and eat, and if I rode the bus, I had to sit in the back, If I walked down the street and wanted to speak to you, you turned the other way.
Am I still a savage?
If not, then, Who am I?

I was born in America,
At present, I know nothing of slavery except what I've read,
I'm cultivated, educated, have a good job.
I live the same as all other Americans yet I don't feel that I'm
treated equal in every way.
When I pass you on the street, you still turn your head.
I can now sit anywhere I want on the bus but you don't seem to want
to sit beside me.
Would you please tell me, Who am I?

Things have changed, things are better,
Though they are, you still don't accept me as your equal.
Why? I don't understand!
God is the father of all.
He's your father and mine, so why are we not equal?
Inward we're the same, outward my hair is different, the color of my eyes, the color of my skin, and the shape of my nose, otherwise even outwardly we're the same.
Can you please, please, please tell me, who am I?

Maybe you can't!

Then, let me tell you who I am.
I'm God's child just like you, a human being, I'm your brother!

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