The man in Tacoma, Washington, who plays taps from his balcony at sunset everyday for years. He had polio as a child and could not serve in the military but wanted to honor them. All the neighbors come out and stand quietly as he plays.
A Cherokee woman who overcame deep trauma as a child and now spends most of her time working with women and children in need and her off hours traveling the country teaching healing and wellness from inter-generational trauma.
The woman who served in the military and found a need for healing for those who suffered from PTSD. She meets this need by gathering dogs and teaching them and the wounded warriors to love and trust each other, thus finding a measure of comfort and peace.
The young woman who has suffered untold health issues and continues to learn and strive to fight for the uplifting of women throughout the world.
The man in India, who, though of an elite, wealthy, Brahman family, spends his time daily cooking huge meals, for the extremely improverished street people, bathing them with his own hands and hugging them to show someone cares.
A fourteen year old girl in a country determined to suppress the female population, spoke up for equality and fairness to women. She was shot down but coming out of a coma said she would continue her efforts.
Look around you........
I bet I know who the woman is who has suffered untold health issues and continues to strive for the uplifting of women throughout the world....