Have you ever wondered who and what you really are?
Some say we are a product of our environment. Is the core of who we are due to the level of poverty or wealth? to the education of our parents and then ourselves? the neighborhood we grew up in? the religion our ancestors held to? the traumas and stresses we had to endure and/or overcome?
Some say we are a product of the genetic make-up our ancestors passed on to us. Do we have a choice about how we turn out or is our destiny already laid out? Does our height, our skin, eyes and hair color determine our destiny? Does our health or lack thereof form our future? Is our mental capacity, our emotional stability, our personality pre-determined?
What if we are merely the results of a roll of the dice with these influences we had no control over?
I pose that if we consciously examine all these factors, actively distill all these variables then look with our hearts and our minds we can find that essence of ourselves that turns out to be truly us? We didn't choose all of these variables but we can choose how we react to them.
We can choose to be honest, kind, forgiving, giving, nurturing, loving, spiritual and express that in a fashion unique to just ourselves.
Love in the sturggle,
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