excerpt from ANNE'S WRITINGS (see Aug 31, 2010) In response to youth being arrested in a demonstration in California
Before my time ...
Clans fighting with clubs and spears over meat and woman.
Vikings fighting over sea rights and land.
Colonizing of foreign lands by violence and fierce possession, by theft and bloodshed.
Pushing back of frontiers by lies, promises, rape, attempted annihilation of brown skinned warriors, bloodshed for land and natural resources.
Since my time...
Maniacs brainwashing and promising a super race, millions perishing in gas ovens, weapons of destruction of cities, villages, soldiers to the rescue bringing death, destruction, temporary freedom.
Islands and peninsulas split in two, brother against brother, Korea and Vietnam fought over like a bone by angry dogs, leaving destruction and pain behind, taking pain and human destruction home from the wars.
Middle east with black gold tempting and luring, excuses for aggression, destruction, posturing in the name of honor while raping the minds and hearts of young men who need to be home, building nests, nurturing children, modeling a better man.
No one is listening, no one is hearing the cries of babies, the mothers, the youth who want to dream.
It is time for us, the women, the young, the valiant, to prepare ourselves, strengthen ourselves, teach peace, live peace, learn strategy and negotiation, be ready.
Stay free and work diligently.
Keep your courage and intelligence available and active to form a peaceful society, to teach your children peace.
Wage peace by avalances of letters, calls, emails, visits, lobbying, elections, education, modeling conflict resolution by negotiation, heart listening, empathy, sympathy.
Demand it be so!
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